“SEO Unlocked” Boosts Traffic to Your Website for Free

If you really want more search traffic and you want to take SEO seriously, this is your chance.  There is no excuse for not having the financial resources because the course is free. If you put in the time, my team and I are here to teach and train you on everything you need to know.  And don’t worry, we aren’t going to bore you with every Google algorithm factor or anything like that. Instead, we are going to teach you the main concepts and strategies of SEO that drive the majority of the results as we know that you don’t have 40 hours a week to dedicate to SEO. …

neilpatel.com click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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10 Commandments of Modern Marketing – actually 24…

Number One. Thou shalt build revenue FIRST and brand SECOND. Brand matters, but the primary goal must be sales. It’s possible (although not recommended) to sacrifice brand at the alter of sales and still recover. But you cannot sacrifice sales at the all-holy alter of brand and hope to survive. Number Two. Thou shalt write offers…not slogans. Slogans might win awards, but they don’t make sales. Great marketing inspires ACTION! It does not merely inform or entertain. (Also, there’s a special place in marketing hell for advertisers and marketers who stack up awards for their “creativity” but who have never owned or influenced a sales number. They would do us all a favor if they stuck to finger painting.) …

LinkedIn.com click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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It’s the Beginning of the End for Independent YouTubers

As studios pump out the type of content the site originally intended to subvert, the barrier to success rises… There’s a sense that succeeding on YouTube now requires this sort of industrialized mass production. … “I think if you’re just starting, it’s probably hard to compete,” Manintveld says. “But I think it’s not different than a musical artist starting out having to compete against U2 or Coldplay with big, multibillion record companies behind them. If they have an ability to find an audience and an ability to be original, they will find a way.” …

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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What Happens When You Stop Talking About Yourself in Conversations

The temptation to always talk about ourselves is a new tradition like Black Friday without the cheap sales. It’s hurting our conversations and over-inflating our egos. Experiment: I tried to go two days without talking about myself in every conversation to see what would happen. Would it make a difference? Would people notice? What would it do to relationships? This is what happens when you stop talking about yourself.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Tech Giants Have Hijacked the Web. It’s Time for a Reboot.

While Washington looks to combat online monopolies, some innovators are developing new internet platforms to prevent monopolies from forming in the future… While lawmakers try to combat the concerns by talking about antitrust and regulation, a cottage industry of true decentralizers is emerging in the computer space. They want to recapture the original promise of the web, to create a platform where information isn’t siloed by private companies or monitored by police states.

WSJ.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Gartner’s top 10 strategic predictions for 2020

Mobile-accessible cryptocurrency, AI and ML oversight, blockchain to counter deepfake technology and an Internet of Behavior are all among the predictions for the near future.

Prediction 1: By 2023, the number of people with disabilities employed will triple due to AI and emerging technologies, reducing barriers to access. 

Prediction 2: By 2024, AI identification of emotions will influence more than half of online advertisements. …

TechRepublic.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Startup delivers 5G internet broadband for $49 a month

Common Networks is using 5G and mmWave technology to deliver a low cost alternative to fiber broadband. Super high speed broadband doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. That’s the aim of Common Networks, a startup using 5G to offer wireless broadband to homes in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The company launched its service three years ago and is offering a new tier of service starting Wednesday that delivers 300 megabit per second downloads for just $49 a month. …

Cnet.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Want to Be Super Successful? Science Says Do Any 1 of These 10 Things

We all have the same amount of time. That’s why people who are more productive — and successful — use their time more effectively. … Chris Winfield is a great resource for entrepreneurs.  Chris is an entrepreneur and writer, and if you like this post (and the next two in the series), he’s created a special bonus area with a worksheet and 40 powerful morning habits you can adopt.

Inc.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing

The research is conclusive. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.  I have found this to be true in my own experience. Here are just a few goals I have written down over the last three decades: …

MichaelHyatt.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How to Start a Business with No Money

We all know that hard work can produce incredible results. But the prevailing rise-and-grind mythology often pushes founders into business before they’re ready. Many smart, ambitious people feel pressured to quit their jobs and go all-in. They work around the clock, sacrificing their health and happiness to chase a startup dream. For every founder who’s battling exhaustion and surviving on protein bars, I’d like to suggest a different path. …

Jotform.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Here’s Why Time Off Work Actually Improves Your Work and Life

Leonard Mlodinow, a physicist, who also co-authored two books with Stephen Hawking, recently shared scientific research in his book Elastic about taking time off. He demonstrates that taking time off work improves our well-being:  “Though some may consider “doing nothing” unproductive, a lack of downtime is bad for our well-being, because idle time allows our default network to make sense of what we’ve recently experienced or learned.

GetPocket.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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All The Apps You’ll Need to Run Your Small Business

With the right combination of software tools (plus the unavoidable hard work, long nights, and grit), you could find yourself with a thriving business…  [Here are some of] our favorite small business apps into each of these categories. All apps mentioned here have a 4+ star rating with more than 100 reviews (with only a few exceptions for awesome, lesser-known apps).

AppSumo.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Best Ideas Are the Ones That Make the Least Sense

Imagine that you are sitting in the boardroom of a major global drinks company, charged with producing a new product that will rival the position of Coca-Cola as the world’s second-most-popular cold nonalcoholic drink. How would you respond? … I’m fairly sure nobody would say is this: “Hey, let’s try marketing a really expensive drink that comes in a tiny can…and tastes kind of disgusting.” Yet that is exactly what one company did.  …  That drink was Red Bull.

Entrepreneur.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Wyze Sense review: Wyze continues its ‘too good to be true’ approach

Wyze, a company known for its inexpensive home security cameras that deliver far more than the $20 or $30 asking price, recently expanded its product lineup to include two different sensors.

The $20 Wyze Sense bundle includes a Sense Bridge, two Contact Sensors, and a Motion Sensor. Perhaps what’s more impressive than the small price, is just how small the sensors are themselves. From the Bridge to the Motion Sensor, everything in the kit is compact. I’ve spent a few weeks with the starter kit, and I have to say, Wyze has done it again. …

ZDNet.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Top 10 Lies We Believe About Our Influence

Avoiding These 10 Lies and Focusing on Real Influence

You might not be as influential as you think. Misconceptions about influence keep us from continued success. Anyone at any level, with any title, can influence others to act willingly upon what we have to say, but only if they are willing to do the work. Influence is a learned skill requiring self-awareness, feedback and ongoing practice. But why?

Thriveglobal.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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A prisoner in my own company

In the first few years after founding AP Logic, I went from being a dreamer and a creative person who was proactive to being someone who was drowning in a box of requirements and “to-dos”. … I started to hate it. I slowed down. I focused on tasks even though I was bad at them.  How could I be trapped in my own business?

Jim Ratichek, LinkedIn.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Importance of Working With “A”Players

We operate in a world where it’s nearly impossible to accomplish anything great as an individual.  When you think about it, you’re the product of an education system, a healthcare system, luck, roads, the internet and so much more. You may be smart but you’re not self-made. And at work, most important achievements require a team of people working together.

The leader’s job is to get the team right. Getting the team right means that people are better as a group than as individuals. Now this is important.  Step back and think about that for a second — the right teams make every individual better than they would be on their own.

Farnamstreet.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Age of Small Brands Eating Big Brands Is Here!

When the Internet started to become more popular and the Ecommerce boom happened, suddenly people had options. … And sometimes the little guy was creating a superior product; he just didn’t have the marketing budget to advertise to enough people. …

HuffingtonPost.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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3 Easy But Highly Effective Ways To Keep Tabs On Your Business

One of the benefits of the digital age (and the direction it is moving) is the ease with which so many different platforms can easily be connected. Cyfe, for example, is a business dashboard that integrates with everything from Facebook, Google Analytics, Gmail, Shopify, QuickBooks, and EventBrite, to Stripe, Bitly, and dozens upon dozens of other platforms. Think Hootsuite, but for everything.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Scalability and Automation – Why it is so crucial for your company

In every incubator, the founders say this sentence about 1000 times a day. “Scaling, scaling, scaling.”  But the smart founders … mean the following: Does your business model still work when you suddenly sell 3000 socks a day instead of 3? It is just one example.  Is your business model practicable if you have to supply significantly more customers?

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Ultimate Guide to Get Started on Your Business Idea

Business ideas are great. They make us feel like we are onto something.

Something big.

Our adrenaline spikes and we want to get started right away.

But what does “getting started” even mean? Printing your business card? Making a website? Hiring a co-founder? Incorporate the business?

Not exactly.

Here are the exact steps you should take to refine and validate your idea before you do any of these things!

entrepreneurshandbook.co  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Pitch a Product in Front of 7,000 People

Imagine the eyes of 7,000 people on you as four celebrity judges prepare their toughest questions to challenge your vision for the future of your company.

Medium.com  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Want to Lead? Learn to Ask the Right Questions

Have you ever walked away from a sales meeting wondering what you could have said differently to a potential client? Or do you feel as though you’re only wasting your breath trying to convince your employees to believe in a new initiative or direction? Are you tired of telling your children to clean up their rooms? Convincing others can’t come from you—it has to come from them. How does this happen? Learn to ask the right questions.

BigThink.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The power of culture: how to hire and attract amazing people

Talented people want to work in organizations that make an impact. They want to change the world — even just a little. And there are many ways to become world class.

JotForm.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Why More One-Person Businesses Are Breaking $1 Million In Revenue

Why are these businesses growing? Factors such as the growth of free and automated digital and mobile tools and the expansion of online platforms that make it easy to hire contractors all contribute. But entrepreneurs’ attitudes are changing, too…

Entrepreneur.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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4 Totally Awesome Reasons It’s Great to Be a Solopreneur

As of 2015, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that there were more than 2.7 million nonemployer firms that are run solely by owners. Of that group, 35,584 were bringing in anywhere from $1 million to $2.49 million a year.

Entrepreneur.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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5 Tips To Partnering Alongside A Business For The First Time

Last July, PaySimple.com released an infographic that discussed five amazing facts about small businesses. In the United States alone, there are 30 million small businesses established with more than 500,000 started up each year – approximately one business each minute!

zdnet.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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