Battle of the Note Taking Apps – Google Keep vs. Evernote: The best is …

If you’re in the market for a note-taking app and are trying to decide between Google Keep and Evernote, defining exactly what you plan to do with the app is an important first step. Each app is designed for very different purposes:

  • Google Keep functions like a digital bulletin board covered in sticky notes. Its lightweight interface and minimal features make it perfect for capturing ideas and to-dos quickly and easily.
  • Evernote is more like a multi-subject notebook or digital filing cabinet. It’s better for writing detailed notes, saving a variety of types of multimedia, and building an archive of information you can reference well into the future. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you have a favorite?  What make it useful to you?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to 10X Your Results, One Tiny Tweak at a Time

If you’ve enjoyed my previous in-between episodes, then this might be your favorite episode ever. It’s one of the most actionable, information-packed interviews I’ve ever done. … Joel wanted me to help him figure out 5 areas he could upgrade in his own life… we discuss a wide variety of topics, including:
  • How I choose what to improve from infinite options
  • How you can subtract your way to success
  • Why self-improvement doesn’t mean self-centered
  • How I say no to time-consuming lunches, coffees, and other meetings
  • How I tackle cold introductions
  • Tools and tactics for reversing email overwhelm click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Free Online Whiteboard for Small Teams

Collaborate as a Dream Team — All of you — managers, designers, developers, coaches, marketers and other talented professionals — work together to build great things. Team members are all different and speak many “languages” — data, pictures, spreadsheets, tasks, charts and more. RealtimeBoard combines all these pieces in one place to let your team or whole organization collaborate beyond formats, tools, locations and timezones. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Could your team use a good Real Time Whiteboard?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Hacks to clean and de-clutter your computer inside and out

How does one tackle this two-fold cleaning mission to get their computer in pristine shape inside and out? We consulted cleaning and tech experts to learn.

PHASE ONE: DE-CLUTTERING HACKS  Just as physical clutter can impact our performance, digital clutter can impact a computer’s. Here’s how to get your laptop to work its best and free up digital space, which should in turn boost your productivity. … click the link to read the rest of the story.

If you tried the hacks, which helped you the most?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Reach Any Goal This Year with a Spreadsheet, a Calendar, and the SMART System

Achieving big goals isn’t easy, which is why most people don’t accomplish most of theirs. But with the proper framework, you can do just about anything.

Here’s how to go from goal setting to celebrating your goal accomplishment. All you need is your favorite to do app, a spreadsheet, and Google Calendar. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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New Year Productivity Tips To Help You Kickstart Your Business in 2019

Instead of merely setting up ambitious goals like the ones shown above, you need to use both lead and lag measures.

Developed by Sean Covey, Jim Huling, and Chris McChesney, authors of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, lag measures track the success of your most important goals after the performance that was intended to drive them has passed. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you tried this before?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Conduct a ‘Past Year Review’ Instead

New Year’s resolutions. The truth is that I no longer approach them at all, even though I did for decades. Why the change? I have found “past year reviews” (PYR) more informed, valuable, and actionable than half-blindly looking forward with broad resolutions. I did my first PYR after a mentor’s young daughter died of cancer on December 31st, roughly eight years ago, and I’ve done it every year since. It takes 30-60 minutes and looks like this: …

Tim.Blog click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2018?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Develop Better Habits in 2019

How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” …

The writer James Clear talks a lot about the idea of “atomic habits” (and has a really good book with the same title). An atomic habit is a small habit that makes an enormous difference in your life. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What micro habit can you add to your daily ritual that could become a game-changer?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Conduct an Annual Life Review That Will Catapult You into the New Year

For the last three years, I’ve carved out time at the end of the year to conduct a comprehensive annual life review. The process has been not only cathartic but also illuminating and empowering. In fact, this exercise has helped me identify what’s important, shed what isn’t, and transform in many ways. As a result, I decided to get sober, leave a job that wasn’t the right fit and pursue coaching as a profession.

Several clients and friends recently asked me to share my annual life review blueprint. What follows is an attempt to provide the framework and hopefully the nudge to complete your own annual life review.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you take time each year to reassess your direction?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The One Habit That Will Guarantee a Radically Better 2019

Everyone has a number of goals, but it’s the commitment to a system, a course of action, that makes the difference.

A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of success regardless of the immediate outcome.

Guardian’s Oliver Burkman, explains, “Drawing one cartoon a day is a system; so is resolving to take some kind of exercise daily — rather than setting a goal, like being able to run a marathon in four hours.”

Systems allow us to take control of our lives.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What system will you create?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You

The iPhone could be an incredible tool, but most people use their phone as a life-shortening distraction device.
However, if you take the time to follow the steps in this article you will be more productive, more focused, and — I’m not joking at all — live longer. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was the most helpful recommendation, you found in this article?

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19 Daily Habits That Make You Less Productive (And What to Do)

What follows are 19 daily unproductive habits, and solutions to replace them with productive habits.

These are prioritized from the most distracting things that constantly put people in a reactive versus proactive state, to more granular things that can supersize and sustain productivity.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What habit did you choose that made the biggest difference in your life?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Researchers discover seven new Meltdown and Spectre attacks

A team of nine academics has revealed today seven new CPU attacks. The seven impact AMD, ARM, and Intel CPUs to various degrees.

Two of the seven new attacks are variations of the Meltdown attack, while the other five are variations on the original Spectre attack — two well-known attacks that have been revealed at the start of the year and found to impact CPUs models going back to 1995.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

How are you protecting your business from this?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Ransomware shuts down 1 in 5 small businesses after it hits

When businesses are hit with ransomware, it’s not just the ransom amount that could financially hurt. The time spent trying to get systems back online and potential revenue lost in the meantime makes a lasting impact, too.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What would it cost your business to be shut down for days?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

OK, panic—newly evolved ransomware is bad news for everyone

There’s something inherently world-changing about the latest round of crypto-ransomware that has been hitting a wide range of organizations over the past few months. While most of the reported incidents of data being held hostage have purportedly involved a careless click by an individual on an e-mail attachment, an emerging class of criminals with slightly greater skill has turned ransomware into a sure way to cash in on just about any network intrusion.
And that means that there’s now a financial incentive for going after just about anything. While the payoff of going after businesses’ networks used to depend on the long play—working deep into the network, finding and packaging data, smuggling it back out—ransomware attacks don’t require that level of sophistication today. It’s now much easier to convert hacks into cash.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

How are you protecting yourself from ransomware?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

10 Must-Read Books That Will Make You Ridiculously Productive

While there isn’t a perfect productivity formula for everyone, the 11 reads below will inspire you to create your very own process that works for getting more stuff done—and enjoying every day more in the process.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Great Companies Obsess Over Productivity, Not Efficiency

Business leaders often think of “efficiency” and “productivity” as synonyms, two sides of the same coin.

When it comes to strategy, however, efficiency and productivity are very different. At a time when so many companies are starved for growth, senior leaders must bring a productivity mindset to their business and remove organizational obstacles to workforce productivity. This view differs substantially from the relentless focus on efficiency that has characterized management thinking for most of the last three decades, but it is absolutely essential if companies are going to spur innovation and reignite profitable growth.

Harvard Business Review  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Cult of Mac’s 50 Essential iOS Apps

If you are looking for the perfect app to boost productivity, make life more convenient or just give you a jolt of fun, you’re sure to find something that fills the bill on our list of 50 Essential iOS Apps. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What is you most essential app?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How To Conquer Your Overwhelming Email Inbox

Part of the problem is that we were never given any training on email. We were just given an email address and no operating instructions. Can you imagine the result of giving people the keys to a car, without telling them how it works or how to drive responsibly? We’d all end up driving on the wrong side of the road and honking at green lights.

That’s what we are doing with email. click the link to read the rest of the story.

How many emails are in your inbox?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Need More Hours Every Day to Grow Your Business? Then Quit These 7 Time Wasters

Successful founders know how to manage their time well. They make room for work and play, limiting their stress levels by staying focused on the things that matter. When they run into unexpected obstacles, they don’t need to rearrange their lives to tackle the problem. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What can you cut out of your day?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The 10 Best Note Taking Apps in 2018

Note taking apps can store your notes in the cloud and sync them across multiple devices. As long as you have the internet, you have your notes. Second, note taking apps have search functionality. In a matter of seconds, you can find whatever notes you need, even if they are years old. Third, the best note taking apps let you snap pictures and save them as notes, upload files, record audio, and clip pages from the web. I’ve never seen a paper notebook that lets you dictate notes using your voice, either. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you use one of these apps?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The Decision Matrix: How to Prioritize What Matters

Not all decisions need the same process. Sometimes, trying to impose the same process on all decisions leads to difficulty identifying which ones are most important, bogging us down and stressing us out. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you spend too  much time on the wrong decisions?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Chrome vs Edge vs Firefox: Is Microsoft’s browser really faster?

To what extent should you believe Microsoft’s claims that its Edge browser is both “safer” and “faster” than the competition?  TechRepublic put recent versions of Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers to the test. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Which browser do you use?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

8 Ways to Keep Spam and Promotional Emails from Filling Your Inbox

Most of us can’t last more than six minutes without a quick glance at our email or IMs. And unfortunately, these constant interruptions have a serious, negative impact on both our productivity and mental acuity. The simplest solution is to close your email app so you don’t get distracted by incoming mail notifications. But most of us just aren’t willing—or able—to do that.

There is another solution: Get fewer emails. Fewer emails means fewer notifications, and fewer notifications means fewer distractions throughout the day. And while you might not be able to ask your boss to stop emailing you, you can use the following eight tips to prevent spam, promotional emails, and other messages you don’t need from distracting you while you work. click the link to read the rest of the story.

How do you deal with spam?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How email can actually enhance your productivity

Email certainly isn’t perfect, but if you create reliable systems and take control of your inbox, it can actually enhance your productivity.
Before we get into the how, let’s talk about the why of email. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What is your best email hack?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

We’re terrible at planning our time. Here’s how to fix it

When researchers studied groups who had made implementation intentions like this, they found they began work on the task sooner, experienced fewer interruptions, and were better able to judge how long future similar tasks would take them. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you tried the implementation method?
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The cure for an anxious, sucky life, in less than 550 words

To lead. And through leadership, you notice that you can’t help but get better; create better things; increase your skills; lead better; show others the way.

With a leader’s mind, you’re no longer focused on your pains. … learn more here

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Hire a Virtual Assistant and Start Delegating

When it comes down to it, you need to be sure that your assistant will save you more money than they’ll cost.  Start by tracking your time. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you hired a virtual assistant?  What was your experience?
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