It won’t be cutting-edge cyberattacks that cause the much-feared cyber-Pearl Harbor in the United States or elsewhere. Instead, it will likely be mundane strikes against industrial control systems, transportation networks, and health care providers—because their infrastructure is out of date, poorly maintained, ill-understood, and often unpatchable. Worse will be the invisible manipulation of public opinion and election outcomes using digital tools such as targeted advertising and deep fakes—recordings and videos that can realistically be made via artificial intelligence to sound like any world leader. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Everything in your home is about to get smart. Here’s what to watch out for.

Smart devices can improve daily life by being aware of what you’re doing, so they can predict what you want them to do. For example, smart lights can learn when it’s bedtime and use that information to only use low brightness after that if you wander to the bathroom.   That convenience comes at a price, however: IoT devices generally require an internet connection to function, and harvest your information in return for helping improve your day. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Online security 101: Tips for protecting your privacy from hackers and spies

People often don’t think about their rights until they need them — whether it’s when they’re arrested at a protest or pulled over for a routine traffic stop. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Is It Really Possible to Use the Internet Privately?

According to USA Today, 75% of the world’s most popular websites have tracking code on their pages. I am not alone in my concern about maintaining some sort of privacy online. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Using a truly private browser — Brave

One of the biggest leaks of privacy on your computer is your browser. Whether the leaks come from the website you browse to (tracking cookies, fingerprinting, etc), from the browser itself (diagnostic info, interest tracking, cloud-based history collection, etc), or from your ISP being able to observe everything you do.  Enter Brave, a browser specifically built from the ground up for privacy. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Password and Credential Management in 2018

Many people will read the headline and probably think: “No, not another piece of advice that I should hash passwords — uh”. But stop. You’ll learn a lot more here. Promised.

We will cover the “perfect” (Nothing is absolutely perfect and of course I would be more than happy for any suggestions for improvements in the comments ?) way to handle password credentials click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Gmail’s ‘Confidential Mode’ arrives on mobile devices

Once you’ve turned on confidential mode for a specific email, you can set an expiration date and passcode so that you can restrict access to the email either in the web interface or via SMS. Recipients of these confidential emails won’t be able to copy, paste, download, print or forward the message, and attachments will be disabled.

That doesn’t stop anyone from taking a screenshot of your message, however. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Why Nation-State Hacking Should Matter To Everyone

Perhaps most critical, particularly for business networks who also support employee or consumer devices, is to ensure every device receives these necessary updates and patches. One vulnerable entry point can spell the downfall of an entire organization or a household of connected devices. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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DeepLocker: will malware weaponize artificial intelligence?

Traditional cyber security solutions, such as bolt-on antivirus software, are no longer enough. Cyber attackers are exploiting every possible avenue to steal data, infiltrate networks, disrupt critical systems, rinse bank accounts, and hold businesses to ransom. learn more here

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Cybersecurity Starts at the Top

The truth is that the threat posed by cyber security breaches is both acute and avoidable. The key to mitigating it is to understand that cyber security isn’t simply a technology issue; it is also an urgent strategic issue that should be at the top of the agenda for every board and management team. learn more here

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The 2018 Internet Trends – A Deep Dive

At Code Conference every year, KPCB’s Mary Meeker delivers her Internet Trends Report — a State of the Union for the tech industry. …  it comes packed with data and numbers sprinkled over 250+ slides. Here’s everything you can learn from this year’s report summed up in 12 minutes or less. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was the most surprising trend, to you ?
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Here’s how to see the data that tech giants have about you

As you’ll see, some of these companies have made the job easier than others. It’s also important to note that downloading your data doesn’t take it away from the company in question. Each tech giant will still retain the data it has about you. But at least you’ll have a better sense of what they know.

Fast Company Click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Who Is Going To Make Money In AI?

As I started thinking about who was going to make money in AI I ended up with seven questions. Who will make money across the (1) chip makers, (2) platform and infrastructure providers, (3) enabling models and algorithm providers, (4) enterprise solution providers, (5) industry vertical solution providers, (6) corporate users of AI and (7) nations? Click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Windows 10: We’re going to kill off passwords and here’s how

Singh said the goal was to make it possible for end users to never deal with a password in their day-to-day lives, and to provide instead user credentials that cannot be cracked, breached, or phished.

ZDNET Click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Nearly everything in the Facebook ‘hacking’ reports are wrong

two key points to remember…

  1. None of what I just described involves ‘hacking’ Facebook or exploiting a bug. Instead, it all revolves around the use of a feature that Facebook provided to all developers and (at least) tens of thousands took advantage of.
  2. The data collected was not internal Facebook data. It was data that developers (s̵c̵r̵a̵p̵e̵d̵ ) accessed* from the profiles of people who downloaded their apps (and their friends).

Medium click the link to read the rest of the story.

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