These Seven To-Do List Mistakes Could Be Derailing Your Productivity

Before you write your next to-do list, make sure you aren’t making these seven common mistakes:

1. Writing the List in the Morning… Instead, create your list the night before. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

What is the biggest change you have made in your to-do lists?

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5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing

The research is conclusive. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.  I have found this to be true in my own experience. Here are just a few goals I have written down over the last three decades: … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

Have you made writing your goals down a habit? 

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Stop Saying Privacy Is Dead

Some dismiss privacy concerns by saying they have nothing to hide, we shouldn’t accept that argument from anyone wearing clothes. Or anyone who closes the bathroom door, locks her home or car, or uses password-protected accounts. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

Are you will to make changes to protect your privacy?

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11 Unproductive Habits You Want to Quit

When you want to become successful or productive, look at how you become the opposite. Turn things upside down. That’s what we’ve done… By simply avoiding these unproductive habits, you’ll automatically become more productive. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

What bad habit needs to go, NOW?!

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8 Timeless Skills to Change your Life Forever – in Under 8 Hours

You can learn valuable soft and hard skills in about 15 to 20 hours of practice. And I’m talking about starting from nothing. I’ve learned 39 new skills in the past 13 months. But I’m not the only one who has experimented with that. My original inspiration came from Josh Kaufman’s TEDx talk, The First 20 Hours — How to Learn Anything. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What new skill could change your life?

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Ten Powerful Habits That Will Change Your Life and Career

Having success in life largely depends on the habits that you repeatedly engage in, which ultimately shape your life. …

Your habits will either make or break your existence as it directly affects your source of happiness and success. Some habits are more powerful than others and simply put; your everyday habits determine your attitude and future progress both in life and in your career. The following are ten powerful habits that will improve your life and career direction. … click the link to read the rest of the story.

What habit has changed your life?
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42 Productivity Habits to 10x Your Workflow

I was asked how many productivity tips, tricks, hacks, and tools do I know. And as I began to think through all of the things I have learned, this list was born. …This is my exhaustive list from my own research, experience, and conversations with others. There are bound to be more tips and tricks, and I hope you will share them after this list. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you learned to make new habits like these?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

10 In-Depth Strategies to Improve Your Focus and Produce High-Quality Work

Our ability to be selective with our attention is not due to demographics, media consumption, or social media use, but rather it’s the intentional environment that we make for ourselves for when we focus on a task/activity. … there are 10 highly-specific strategies that I incorporate into my work life that have helped me produce high-quality work amidst both digital (i.e. social media) and analog (i.e. meetings) distractions. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you do better focusing on a single task at a time?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

You can’t be productive without routines and rituals & here’s why

We are what we repeatedly do.   According to research, up to 40% of our daily actions are powered by habits–the unconscious actions and routines we’ve developed over time. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Can you think of new daily rituals you can build into your work day?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to 10X Your Results, One Tiny Tweak at a Time

If you’ve enjoyed my previous in-between episodes, then this might be your favorite episode ever. It’s one of the most actionable, information-packed interviews I’ve ever done. … Joel wanted me to help him figure out 5 areas he could upgrade in his own life… we discuss a wide variety of topics, including:
  • How I choose what to improve from infinite options
  • How you can subtract your way to success
  • Why self-improvement doesn’t mean self-centered
  • How I say no to time-consuming lunches, coffees, and other meetings
  • How I tackle cold introductions
  • Tools and tactics for reversing email overwhelm click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Reach Any Goal This Year with a Spreadsheet, a Calendar, and the SMART System

Achieving big goals isn’t easy, which is why most people don’t accomplish most of theirs. But with the proper framework, you can do just about anything.

Here’s how to go from goal setting to celebrating your goal accomplishment. All you need is your favorite to do app, a spreadsheet, and Google Calendar. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Will you try this?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

New Year Productivity Tips To Help You Kickstart Your Business in 2019

Instead of merely setting up ambitious goals like the ones shown above, you need to use both lead and lag measures.

Developed by Sean Covey, Jim Huling, and Chris McChesney, authors of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, lag measures track the success of your most important goals after the performance that was intended to drive them has passed. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you tried this before?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Conduct a ‘Past Year Review’ Instead

New Year’s resolutions. The truth is that I no longer approach them at all, even though I did for decades. Why the change? I have found “past year reviews” (PYR) more informed, valuable, and actionable than half-blindly looking forward with broad resolutions. I did my first PYR after a mentor’s young daughter died of cancer on December 31st, roughly eight years ago, and I’ve done it every year since. It takes 30-60 minutes and looks like this: …

Tim.Blog click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2018?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Develop Better Habits in 2019

How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” …

The writer James Clear talks a lot about the idea of “atomic habits” (and has a really good book with the same title). An atomic habit is a small habit that makes an enormous difference in your life. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What micro habit can you add to your daily ritual that could become a game-changer?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Conduct an Annual Life Review That Will Catapult You into the New Year

For the last three years, I’ve carved out time at the end of the year to conduct a comprehensive annual life review. The process has been not only cathartic but also illuminating and empowering. In fact, this exercise has helped me identify what’s important, shed what isn’t, and transform in many ways. As a result, I decided to get sober, leave a job that wasn’t the right fit and pursue coaching as a profession.

Several clients and friends recently asked me to share my annual life review blueprint. What follows is an attempt to provide the framework and hopefully the nudge to complete your own annual life review.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you take time each year to reassess your direction?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How To Make Next Year Your Best Year

Here are a few things I learned about improving your life:

First, set ONE goal for every area of your life. I divide my goals as follows: Learning (what skills do I want to improve?), Career (what do I want to achieve in career?), Money (how much do I want to save and earn?), Relationships (what type of person do I want to become?). Set a goal that’s ambitious enough but at the same time is also reachable within a year. Aim high. But don’t make it impossible for yourself. … click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you ready for 2019?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The One Habit That Will Guarantee a Radically Better 2019

Everyone has a number of goals, but it’s the commitment to a system, a course of action, that makes the difference.

A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of success regardless of the immediate outcome.

Guardian’s Oliver Burkman, explains, “Drawing one cartoon a day is a system; so is resolving to take some kind of exercise daily — rather than setting a goal, like being able to run a marathon in four hours.”

Systems allow us to take control of our lives.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What system will you create?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to drastically simplify your workflow and get more done

“Life is simple,” wrote Confucius, “but we insist on making it complicated.”

Good advice … and timely.

In fact, Retired Navy SEAL officer and “Extreme Ownership” co-author Jocko Willink recently identified simplicity as the key to not just to effective leadership, but success itself.

The trouble is that we’re terrible at simplicity.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

How could you simplify your work day?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

19 Daily Habits That Make You Less Productive (And What to Do)

What follows are 19 daily unproductive habits, and solutions to replace them with productive habits.

These are prioritized from the most distracting things that constantly put people in a reactive versus proactive state, to more granular things that can supersize and sustain productivity.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What habit did you choose that made the biggest difference in your life?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

10 Must-Read Books That Will Make You Ridiculously Productive

While there isn’t a perfect productivity formula for everyone, the 11 reads below will inspire you to create your very own process that works for getting more stuff done—and enjoying every day more in the process.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you read a book book on productivity, lately?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Want to Lead? Learn to Ask the Right Questions

Have you ever walked away from a sales meeting wondering what you could have said differently to a potential client? Or do you feel as though you’re only wasting your breath trying to convince your employees to believe in a new initiative or direction? Are you tired of telling your children to clean up their rooms? Convincing others can’t come from you—it has to come from them. How does this happen? Learn to ask the right questions. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What questions lead you to where you are?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Need More Hours Every Day to Grow Your Business? Then Quit These 7 Time Wasters

Successful founders know how to manage their time well. They make room for work and play, limiting their stress levels by staying focused on the things that matter. When they run into unexpected obstacles, they don’t need to rearrange their lives to tackle the problem. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What can you cut out of your day?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The 10 Best Note Taking Apps in 2018

Note taking apps can store your notes in the cloud and sync them across multiple devices. As long as you have the internet, you have your notes. Second, note taking apps have search functionality. In a matter of seconds, you can find whatever notes you need, even if they are years old. Third, the best note taking apps let you snap pictures and save them as notes, upload files, record audio, and clip pages from the web. I’ve never seen a paper notebook that lets you dictate notes using your voice, either. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you use one of these apps?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

The Decision Matrix: How to Prioritize What Matters

Not all decisions need the same process. Sometimes, trying to impose the same process on all decisions leads to difficulty identifying which ones are most important, bogging us down and stressing us out. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you spend too  much time on the wrong decisions?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Life Doesn’t Reward You For What You Know, But For What You Do

The quality of input determines the quality of output.  Most people have adapted to consuming low-level information on the internet. This is the equivalent of filling your car with water or eating McDonalds every meal. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you focused on accomplishment?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Be Brave When You’re Feeling Scared: The Secret to Performing Under Pressure

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”  Think of courage that way and it’s obvious that bravery — sometimes an extraordinary level of bravery — is required in leadership and business. Like taking a chance when others will not. Or following your vision, no matter where it leads. Or standing up for what you believe in, even though those beliefs are extremely unpopular.  Or simply doing the right thing, even when doing the right thing is also the hardest thing. click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was the bravest act you have ever seen?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!