This new ransomware is targeting Windows and Linux PCs with a ‘unique’ attack

A newly uncovered form of ransomware is going after Windows and Linux systems in what appears to be a targeted campaign.  Named Tycoon after references in the code, this ransomware has been active since December 2019 and looks to be the work of cyber criminals who are highly selective in their targeting. The malware also uses an uncommon deployment technique that helps stay hidden on compromised networks. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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7 Common Mistakes Good Leaders Make That Cause Great People to Leave

Any leader worth his or her salt has a pretty good feel for toxic behaviors to avoid that can lead to an undesired culture at work. And they know feeding such a culture leads people to leave. But not all flight-inducing foibles are created equal. Some are easy to miss and happen despite the best intentions of a leader.  Over a 30-year corporate career, I have seen many good leaders create an unplanned exodus by not addressing or being aware of what follows. Here are the seven most often overlooked traps that cause people to leave click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Ransomware creates virtual machines to fool your antivirus software

The operators of the RagnarLocker ransomware are installing the VirtualBox app and running virtual machines on computers they infect in order to run their ransomware in a “safe” environment, outside the reach of local antivirus software.  This latest trick has been spotted and detailed today by UK cyber-security firm Sophos and shows the creativity and great lengths some ransomware gangs will go to avoid detection while attacking a victim. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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The Key to Real Productivity is Agility

I guess one could define agility as the ability to change direction quickly, but it’s so much more than that. To be agile requires the ability to see not only the direction you are going, but the change you need to make to get there. It reminds me of that experiment that gauged our powers of observation. …. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Home office technology will need to evolve in the new work normal

The new normal for work will be more remote, spur a home office innovation wave, make edge computing more mainstream and require more automation, immersive experiences and robotics. … Our assumptions about what it meant to work from home were wrong collectively. We had this idea that work from home was about work/life balance. You were working or you were doing home stuff. That was what worked from home had to deal with. And what we almost immediately discovered was it wasn’t that simple. In fact, there were at least four different contexts that people had to live in or experience sitting at their desk at home at any given time over the course of the day. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Microsoft Teams will be bigger than Windows

Microsoft is very excited about Microsoft Teams, their fastest-growing business app ever, even before the COVID-19 crisis, but according to Jeff Teper, corporate vice president for Microsoft 365, the app is just getting started.  “It’s a platform that transcends operating systems that will be even bigger than Windows,” Jeff Teper told Venturebeat. This is because Teams is seeing application well beyond the 1 billion Daily Active Windows users. … Teams has become more than an app – it is also increasingly a platform.Teams has become more than an app – it is also increasingly a platform.Teams has become more than an app – it is also increasingly a platform.

mspoweruser-com click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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60% of cybersecurity incidents now due to exiting employees

The majority of staff planning their exit also take sensitive information with them, research suggests.  Employees planning to leave their jobs are involved in 60% of insider cybersecurity incidents and data leaks… According to the Securonix 2020 Insider Threat Report, published on Wednesday, “flight risk” employees, … often change their behavioral patterns from two months to two weeks before conducting an insider attack. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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COVID-19 blamed for 238% surge in cyberattacks against banks

VMware Carbon Black released the third edition of the Modern Bank Heists report, which says that financial organizations experienced a massive uptick in cyberattack attempts between February and April this year — the same months in which COVID-19 began to spread rapidly across the globe.  The cybersecurity firm’s research, which includes input from 25 CIOS at major financial institutions, adds that 80% of firms surveyed have experienced more cyberattacks over the past 12 months, an increase of 13% year-over-year. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Five minutes to a faster iPhone or Android smartphone

Who doesn’t want their smartphone to feel a little faster and smoother? But the problem is that there are so many tips and tricks out there, that you can be spending hours on tweaking and optimizing and downloading and be getting very little in return.  So, what’s the quickest way to speed up your iPhone or Android smartphone?  Here’s how I speed up my devices, and the whole thing takes less than five minutes. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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The Darkweb store is selling access to 43,000+ hacked servers

MagBo, a shadowy online marketplace where hackers sell and buy hacked servers, is doing better than ever and has soared in popularity to become the largest criminal marketplace of its kind since its launch in the summer of 2018. … Today, MagBo has become the de-facto go-to marketplace for many cybercrime operations. Some groups register on the MagBo platform to sell hacked servers, while others are there just to buy. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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3 things you shouldn’t do before a Zoom meeting + 3 you should

Zoom meetings can in themselves bring new stresses that you have to navigate.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Don’t do what I did! I’ve distilled the past few weeks of Zoom experience into three simple dos and don’t. #1: Do check your internet connection… click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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That old Android phone might not be safe to use: 6 things to consider

If your Android phone isn’t running the latest software, your security and privacy might be in jeopardy. … Manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, Google and HTC only provide support to a phone for so long. Each new handset that’s released and each new version of Android require new threat assessment and patching. That’s a lot of work… click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Why You Make Terrible Life Choices

Everyone struggles with dwindling or misplaced motivation from time to time, and I’m no exception. Thankfully, I’ve learned to overcome my penchant for procrastination: getting what I want done, even when I don’t feel like it. Learning the difference between the two kinds of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic, made all the difference. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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How to use an authenticator app to improve your online security

Want to avoid having your online accounts hacked? Enable two-factor authentication, a crucial security measure that requires an extra step when signing in to high-value services. I explain how to set up 2FA and which accounts to focus on first. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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“SEO Unlocked” Boosts Traffic to Your Website for Free

If you really want more search traffic and you want to take SEO seriously, this is your chance.  There is no excuse for not having the financial resources because the course is free. If you put in the time, my team and I are here to teach and train you on everything you need to know.  And don’t worry, we aren’t going to bore you with every Google algorithm factor or anything like that. Instead, we are going to teach you the main concepts and strategies of SEO that drive the majority of the results as we know that you don’t have 40 hours a week to dedicate to SEO. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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​Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) for business: Everything you need to know

In this guide, we cover the multitude of Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise editions… The exact mix of apps and services available with a Microsoft 365 subscription depends on which edition you’ve chosen. The following five services are common to all business and enterprise plans. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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The complete Zoom guide: From basic help to advanced tricks

Zoom’s key strength is its simplicity, but this does not mean that the platform is without a variety of advanced features that remote workers will find useful for improving their productivity. Below, we’ll show you how to get started, and also offer some tips and tricks that experienced users may be missing out on. Let’s get started… click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Phishing emails caught exploiting DocuSign and COVID-19

Cybercriminals are exploiting DocuSign, the coronavirus, and the transition to remote working to try to capture account credentials. … The phishing email itself tries to look legitimate by copying the content and images of real emails from DocuSign. … Clicking on the button to review the documents redirects the user several times, first through the SendGrid link and then through two compromised websites. These redirects are created specifically to confuse the user and to get past URL detection security. In the end, the page that comes up is a malicious one … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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10 Commandments of Modern Marketing – actually 24…

Number One. Thou shalt build revenue FIRST and brand SECOND. Brand matters, but the primary goal must be sales. It’s possible (although not recommended) to sacrifice brand at the alter of sales and still recover. But you cannot sacrifice sales at the all-holy alter of brand and hope to survive. Number Two. Thou shalt write offers…not slogans. Slogans might win awards, but they don’t make sales. Great marketing inspires ACTION! It does not merely inform or entertain. (Also, there’s a special place in marketing hell for advertisers and marketers who stack up awards for their “creativity” but who have never owned or influenced a sales number. They would do us all a favor if they stuck to finger painting.) … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Best password managers for business in 2020

Everyone needs a password manager. Period, full stop. It’s the only possible way to maintain unique, hard-to-guess credentials for every secure site you, your family members, and your team access daily.  The 15 programs listed in this guide share many core features.  On a Windows PC, a Mac, or a mobile device, you install a stand-alone program or browser extension that does the work of saving sets of credentials in a database whose contents are protected with high-grade, 256-bit encryption. To unlock the password database, you enter a decryption key (your master password) that only you know. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Spear-phishing campaign compromises executives at 150+ companies

A cybercrime group operating since mid-2019 has breached the email accounts of high-ranking executives at more than 150 companies, cyber-security firm Group-IB reported today.  The group, codenamed PerSwaysion, appears to have targeted the financial sector primarily, which accounted for more than half of its victims; although, victims have been recorded at companies active across other verticals as well.  PerSwaysion operations were not sophisticated click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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7 Cybersecurity tips for small businesses with remote workers

Small businesses have been facing a mountain of problems since the coronavirus outbreak took hold of the world’s economy and shifted most people to working from home. Millions of small businesses around the world, which previously had no experience dealing with cybersecurity, suddenly had to deal with a deluge of new issues… start small…  Troy Gill, manager of security research at Zix-AppRiver, said all small businesses should start simple and work their way up. … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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This 3-Minute Exercise Will Change the Way You Solve Problems

Structured thinking is about building a big answer by asking many small questions.  Anyone can improve their structured thinking with practice. The best thing to do is ask yourself pointless questions, ones you can’t easily find the answers to online. Writer Hannah Yang shares a prompt that should take you about three minutes to figure out: How many customers visit your favorite restaurant every year? Here, I’ll give it a shot. I live in Munich. My favorite restaurant is Lemongrass, a Vietnamese place around the corner. …. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Harvard Business Review: Management – Begin with Trust

Trust is also one of the most essential forms of capital a leader has. Building trust, however, often requires thinking about leadership from a new perspective. The traditional leadership narrative is all about you: your vision and strategy; your ability to make the tough calls and rally the troops; your talents, your charisma, your heroic moments of courage and instinct. But leadership really isn’t about you. It’s about empowering other people

Harvard Business Review click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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It’s the Beginning of the End for Independent YouTubers

As studios pump out the type of content the site originally intended to subvert, the barrier to success rises… There’s a sense that succeeding on YouTube now requires this sort of industrialized mass production. … “I think if you’re just starting, it’s probably hard to compete,” Manintveld says. “But I think it’s not different than a musical artist starting out having to compete against U2 or Coldplay with big, multibillion record companies behind them. If they have an ability to find an audience and an ability to be original, they will find a way.” … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Apple’s new iPhone SE has no credible Android alternative

You can’t find an Android handset that comes close to the iPhone SE.  And this is a real problem for Google and the whole Android ecosystem. The first obstacle is the power. The A13 Bionic processor is a powerhouse. It blows out of the water the Snapdragon 865 chip found in high-end handsets like the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra in benchmark tests such as Geekbench 5.  … And Apple put this chip into a smartphone costing $399. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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China Is Launching It’s Digital Currency -How will this affect your business?

China is aiming to be the first country in the world to launch a digital currency, after five years of research by a team in its central bank. The project is still shrouded in secrecy. There have been few details about what form a new sovereign digital currency might take, how it will affect banks and businesses and when it might be launched. … Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg warned that Beijing’s digitisation efforts could leave American finance in the dust.  Here is what the People’s Bank of China is really up to. … plus more at the Financial Times last year. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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How to improve communication with coworkers during social distancing

In this era of physical distancing, social cues are limited. Here’s how to maintain—or even improve—relationships with your coworkers during this tough time.  In this era of social distancing, it is hard to get these social cues. Low-bandwidth internet can make it hard to catch the tone of voice or the facial expressions of people you’re talking to. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Is It Even Possible to Focus on Anything Right Now?

Weeks into the new reality of stay-at-home orders, remote work, and being constantly bombarded by news of how bad things can get, we’re all getting used to new ways of getting business done. For many of us, one detrimental result is that we’re struggling more than ever to find the focus we need to be productive. … Practicing attention management is about maintaining control of where your attention goes, and recognizing when it’s being stolen…

Harvard Business Review click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Ultimate webcam tips: How to look and sound great online

As Zoom, Skype and WebEx meetings explode, you need to master these webcam techniques.  We’re all on more web conferences and video meetings via Skype, ZoomGoogle Meet and WebEx lately, so you may as well make a professional impression and get your point across memorably. Here are the six easiest ways to look (and sound) sharp when you meet online. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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