It’s the Beginning of the End for Independent YouTubers

As studios pump out the type of content the site originally intended to subvert, the barrier to success rises… There’s a sense that succeeding on YouTube now requires this sort of industrialized mass production. … “I think if you’re just starting, it’s probably hard to compete,” Manintveld says. “But I think it’s not different than a musical artist starting out having to compete against U2 or Coldplay with big, multibillion record companies behind them. If they have an ability to find an audience and an ability to be original, they will find a way.” … click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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Popular internet scams to watch out for in 2020

The internet is filled with scammers looking to steal your private information. … You should also be able to spot threats on your own. To help, here are a few scams that are currently trending online. click the link to read the rest of the story.  Get our free tools here.

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600 million+ Android users continue to be charged for deleted apps

A new set of “fleeceware” apps appear to have been downloaded and installed by more than 600 million Android users. … “Fleeceware” are apps that abuse the ability for Android apps to run trial periods before a payment is charged to the user’s account. … Researchers discovered that some Android app developers didn’t cancel an app’s trial period once the app is uninstalled and they don’t receive a specific request from the user. … click the link to read the rest of the story.

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That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

Internet trolls don’t troll. Not the professionals at least. Professional trolls don’t go on social media to antagonize liberals or belittle conservatives. They are not narrow minded, drunk or angry. They don’t lack basic English language skills. … Your stereotypical trolls do exist on social media, but the amateurs aren’t a threat to Western democracy. Professional trolls, on the other hand, are the tip of the spear in the new digital, ideological battleground. To combat the threat they pose, we must first understand them — and take them seriously. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How can you drive more business with digital and social marketing?

Digital and social marketing requires time, attention, and commitment. It requires a long-term content strategy in alignment with your business goals and involves daily posts and interactions with your audience. It also requires monitoring and engagement to ensure a two-way dialog with your intended audience. It is not a magic button by any means. However, it is a relatively inexpensive, direct communication channel to reach your target audience. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How to replace each Google service with a more privacy-friendly alternative

As privacy concerns grow, companies like Google and Facebook that rely on data collection and advertising for revenue are increasingly in the spotlight. But is it really possible to give up Google’s vast range of services? Here are recommended alternatives. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Why Visuals Are the Most Powerful Way to Sell Anything

Almost every day, I have to impress upon a client that telling their customers that they believe in something or are committed to something is almost useless without a clear visual to back it up. Because it’s visuals that stick in our minds. We think in pictures. If you can plant a positive picture in the mind of whomever you’re trying to persuade, you are that much closer to getting what you want. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How to Learn Digital Marketing for (Nearly) Free in 6 Months

This is a system that you can use to teach yourself digital marketing in a few months using mostly inexpensive resources and personal projects. I’d expect that anyone could take a game plan like this and go from zero to hireable digital marketer in 6 months or less, so long as you work hard at it and don’t get too distracted. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Cloud services: 24 web services your business needs to try

In this guide, we’ve spotlighted 24 cloud-based services that can take your business to the next level. There’s a huge world of opportunity and available resources beyond Google, Dropbox, Salesforce, Amazon, and Microsoft. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Stand out on LinkedIn – 18 Research based Tips

The starting point for deriving value from LinkedIn is creating a profile that not only shows off your experience and talents, but also makes it easier for people to discover you in search. Here we’ll present you with research-backed LinkedIn profile tips that will help you optimize your LinkedIn presence.

First Pro Tip: If you don’t want your existing connections to get multiple updates announcing your profile changes, temporarily turn off profile change notifications. Click the Me dropdown, choose Settings & Privacy, open the Privacy tab, scroll down to Sharing profile edits, and toggle the setting to No. You can turn these back on when you’re finished updating your profile if you want your connections to see future updates (e.g., new job announcements).  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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23 Social Engineering Attacks You Need To Shut Down

A social engineering attack is an orchestrated campaign against employees at either a variety of companies or one high valued business using a variety of digital, in-person or over the phone techniques to steal intellectual property, credentials or money.

Hackers prefer social engineering because it’s much easier to hack a human than a business. Social engineering attacks allow the hacker to combine multiple efforts and even cover their tracks, because they can use the human to take money or install malware under their persona.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Don’t Let Big Tech Get Rich Off Your Info

More of your data is available for the taking than you might imagine. Here’s a primer on the best products for securing your digital privacy and tips for taking back control of your info. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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20 Secrets That’ll Boost Your Facebook Organic Reach

Social media has matched, and in some cases, surpassed search engines as a means to reach a large and relevant audience. found that 46% of their referral traffic comes from social media. Facebook alone accounts for 41.2% of that traffic. Click the link to read the rest of the story.

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