How to prepare for the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

CCPA is important because it represents the first real, comprehensive privacy legislation in the U.S. And because the CCPA applies to all California residents, any company that works with data from California residents will be subject to it.  … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Here’s how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade

Microsoft’s much-hyped free upgrade offer for Windows 10 ended in 2016, right? Not exactly. The GWX tool may be gone, but all the other upgrade tools still work. The end result is an apparently valid digital license, and there’s no evidence that the free upgrades will end any time soon. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Brave browser reaches v1.0, its first stable version

Brave, a privacy-first browser, rolls out its first stable release, complete with innovative features such as its own private ad platform and a users and websites rewards initiative. …  Developed from the ground up to be a privacy-first alternative to modern-day browsers, Brave 1.0 comes with many features not present in any other competitor’s software. This includes: Brave blocks all ads by default, and instead uses its own private ad platform, designed to work right inside the browser, and with a focus on preserving users’ privacy. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Microsoft to apply California’s privacy law for all US users

Microsoft‘s chief privacy officer promises to apply the CCPA to all US users, not just Californians. … The California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, is currently set to go into effect on January 1, 2020. The upcoming law is considered one of the most restrictive privacy legislations in the world world. … Under the CCPA, companies must be transparent about the type of data they collect from users and how they use it. In addition, companies must also provide users with the option to prevent their personal information from being sold. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Google keeps a staggering amount of information about you. Here’s how to manage it

Google collects a staggering amount of information about you — maybe even more than you realize. Google remembers every search you perform and every YouTube video you watch. Whether you have an iPhone ($699 at Amazon) or Android phone, Google Maps logs everywhere you go, the route you take to get there, when you arrive and what time you leave — even if you never open the app. When you really take a look at everything Google knows about you, the results can be shocking — maybe even a little frightening. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do about it. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Your WordPress site is at risk: These precautions and plugins can keep it secure

It’s an interesting paradox. WordPress powers 35 percent of all websites on the Internet, in part because it’s so flexible … But the paradox is that WordPress itself, along with the add-on plugins and themes. is open source. WordPress core, plugin, and theme development is done by a community of companies, professionals, and individual enthusiasts, each with varying degrees of software development and deployment skills. Each WordPress site is the sum of all those components click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How can you drive more business with digital and social marketing?

Digital and social marketing requires time, attention, and commitment. It requires a long-term content strategy in alignment with your business goals and involves daily posts and interactions with your audience. It also requires monitoring and engagement to ensure a two-way dialog with your intended audience. It is not a magic button by any means. However, it is a relatively inexpensive, direct communication channel to reach your target audience. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Tech Giants Have Hijacked the Web. It’s Time for a Reboot.

While Washington looks to combat online monopolies, some innovators are developing new internet platforms to prevent monopolies from forming in the future… While lawmakers try to combat the concerns by talking about antitrust and regulation, a cottage industry of true decentralizers is emerging in the computer space. They want to recapture the original promise of the web, to create a platform where information isn’t siloed by private companies or monitored by police states. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Gartner’s top 10 strategic predictions for 2020

Mobile-accessible cryptocurrency, AI and ML oversight, blockchain to counter deepfake technology and an Internet of Behavior are all among the predictions for the near future.

Prediction 1: By 2023, the number of people with disabilities employed will triple due to AI and emerging technologies, reducing barriers to access. 

Prediction 2: By 2024, AI identification of emotions will influence more than half of online advertisements. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How to stop getting distracted

Ever find yourself at work, desperate to finish an important project, but seemingly getting nowhere? Nir Eyal used to experience that a lot. Then he started to look at the science behind distraction and what you can do to stop it. In this episode, Nir explains how to stop getting distracted, why open plan offices don’t work and how Slack created a distraction free workplace.  click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Firefox New Privacy Protections Lets You Track the Trackers

Firefox is taking the guesswork out of how to give yourself more privacy online providing always-on features like blocking third-party tracking cookies and cryptominers also known as Enhanced Tracking Protection. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Do businesses really know how much their data is worth?

DocAuthority‘s new report states that IT security departments are incorrectly estimating the value of business information they have in their possession. This leads to poor investment into the availability, protection and security of the data that is commercially most valuable.  … the poll uncovered that the majority was undervalued, including research and development, as well as financial reports. On the other hand, personally identifiable data (PII), which was less sensitive, was highly prioritised. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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New ‘unremovable’ xHelper malware has infected 45,000 Android devices

Over the past few months, many users have complained about xHelper’s near “unremovable” state… While the trojan is currently engaging in spam and ad revenue, it also possesses other, more dangerous features. xHelper can download and install other apps, a function that the xHelper could at any point to deploy second-stage malware payloads, such as ransomware, banking trojans, DDoS bots, or password stealers. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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New IoT botnet army targeting small office and home routers

Tens of thousands of Wi-Fi routers are potentially vulnerable to an updated form of malware that takes advantage of known vulnerabilities to rope these devices into a botnet for the purposes of selling distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack capabilities to cyber criminals.  A new variant of Gafgyt malware – which first emerged in 2014 – targets small office and home routers from well-known brands click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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This easy-to-use information-stealing trojan malware is quickly gaining popularity among cyber criminals

Racoon Stealer isn’t sophisticated, but it has stolen credit card information, passwords and more from hundreds of thousands of victims, and an aggressive marketing campaign means its popularity is still growing, security researchers warn.  A new kind of easy to use trojan malware is gaining popularity among cyber criminals, providing them with simple means of stealing credit card data, passwords and cryptocurrency — and it has already infected hundreds of thousands of Windows users around the world. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The watchdogs who track secret online censorship

Online censorship isn’t limited to blocked websites. Social media sites also filter content from news feeds and chats. In China, social media companies are liable to the government for the content that appears on their platforms and have signed a pledge to monitor their services for politically objectionable content, according to Human Rights Watch, an NGO. This leads to a system that strictly limits discussion of political topics.  Companies filter from users’ chats and news feeds any images that could violate the government’s standards. The standards aren’t always transparent to users… click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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How to replace each Google service with a more privacy-friendly alternative

As privacy concerns grow, companies like Google and Facebook that rely on data collection and advertising for revenue are increasingly in the spotlight. But is it really possible to give up Google’s vast range of services? Here are recommended alternatives. click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Google quantum computer leaves supercomputers in the dust

The era of practical quantum computers has begun … “Our machine performed the target computation in 200 seconds, and from measurements in our experiment we determined that it would take the world’s fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to produce a similar output,” Google researchers said in a blog post about the work. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Keys To A Digital Disaster Recovery Plan For Business Leaders

As a small business owner, I found out that I was the perfect target for cybercriminals when I read certified IT professional Darren Coleman’s book, Easy Prey: How to Protect Your Business from Data Breach, Cybercrime, & Employee Fraud. It inspired me to arm myself with some common sense and the realization that I am responsible for my viral life just as I am for my real life. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Alexa and Google Home still being used to eavesdrop on users

Amazon, Google fail to address security loopholes in Alexa and Home devices more than a year after first reports. … Neither Amazon nor Google have responded to requests for comment… click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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‘Stop the email ping-pong’​: 9 ways to avoid digital distraction

Constantly checking your phone? Sidetracked by apps? Use these tips to change bad tech habits to good … such as: Stop notifications… Slow down the email ping-pong … Never open an email more than twice… click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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WAV audio files are now being used to hide malicious code

Two reports published in the last few months show that malware operators are experimenting with using WAV audio files to hide malicious code. …  All previous instances where malware used steganography revolved around using image file formats, such as PNG or JPG.  The novelty in the two recently-published reports is the use of WAV audio files, not seen abused in malware operations until this year. … click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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