Most people are terrible at networking. They make the same mistakes time and again and then wonder why they feel sleazy when networking or like it’s a waste of time.
There are a few major mistakes in networking that can kill your chances of building a world-class network. 1. Going to “Networking Events” …</blockquote click the link to read the rest of the story.
What kind of networking has worked best for you?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Category Archives: News Article
New Year Productivity Tips To Help You Kickstart Your Business in 2019
Instead of merely setting up ambitious goals like the ones shown above, you need to use both lead and lag measures.
Developed by Sean Covey, Jim Huling, and Chris McChesney, authors of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, lag measures track the success of your most important goals after the performance that was intended to drive them has passed. click the link to read the rest of the story.
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WINDOWS 10+ Windows Programs You Should Uninstall
Many people keep unnecessary software installed on their systems. Some programs are just outdated, others are downright malicious. … Let’s take a look at commonly installed software you don’t need to have on your PC. click the link to read the rest of the story.
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Why you should be using encrypted email
Email leads users to share highly sensitive information in a seemingly private way when, in reality, it’s everything but private. Case in point: see the image below and note a typical unassuming email containing a person’s credit card information. This may seem like a stupid mistake, but you’d be surprised at how common these type of emails get sent on a daily basis (I’m looking at you, mom). The only factor taken into consideration by the sender in these cases is that they trust the person on the receiving end. The problem here is… click the link to read the rest of the story.
Is your email secure? Are you certain?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Conduct a ‘Past Year Review’ Instead
New Year’s resolutions. The truth is that I no longer approach them at all, even though I did for decades. Why the change? I have found “past year reviews” (PYR) more informed, valuable, and actionable than half-blindly looking forward with broad resolutions. I did my first PYR after a mentor’s young daughter died of cancer on December 31st, roughly eight years ago, and I’ve done it every year since. It takes 30-60 minutes and looks like this: …
Tim.Blog click the link to read the rest of the story.
What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2018?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How to Develop Better Habits in 2019
How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” …
The writer James Clear talks a lot about the idea of “atomic habits” (and has a really good book with the same title). An atomic habit is a small habit that makes an enormous difference in your life. click the link to read the rest of the story.
What micro habit can you add to your daily ritual that could become a game-changer?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Cybersecurity in 2018: the bad, the worse and the downright nasty
Just like in the previous years, 2018 had its fair share of data breaches. However, it’s rather impressive of how those breaches have evolved over those years. Because of the increased awareness, breaches seldomly go unnoticed anymore. And that’s a good thing. click the link to read the rest of the story.
How was your business affected by these security breaches? Do you know if your business was breached?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
My Secret Playbook: 28 Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic and Sales
From Facebook to Google, marketing is continually changing and getting harder. Even if you are willing to give these platforms money, it still doesn’t guarantee success. You can experiment, run tests, but digital marketing isn’t as easy as it used to be. …
It’s become so much easier and cheaper to build companies that the majority of the money is spent on customer acquisition. … This is why marketing has become so competitive. But that shouldn’t stop you from succeeding, it just means you need to get creative in this ultra-competitive landscape.
So, to start you off… here are 28 digital marketing hacks that I still use and still work in today’s marketing landscape. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Have you tried any of his marketing hacks?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How Our Data Got Hacked, Scandalized, and Abused in 2018
This year tech giants, governments, and even the humble sandwich chain have proved that we can trust no one with our personal data. At best, these companies were woefully underprepared to keep our data safe. At worst, they allowed the data we gave them to help others influence our fragile democracy.
When it came to data scandals and breaches in 2018, the only good news was… click the link to read the rest of the story.
What lessons did you learn about your security needs last year?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How to Conduct an Annual Life Review That Will Catapult You into the New Year
For the last three years, I’ve carved out time at the end of the year to conduct a comprehensive annual life review. The process has been not only cathartic but also illuminating and empowering. In fact, this exercise has helped me identify what’s important, shed what isn’t, and transform in many ways. As a result, I decided to get sober, leave a job that wasn’t the right fit and pursue coaching as a profession.
Several clients and friends recently asked me to share my annual life review blueprint. What follows is an attempt to provide the framework and hopefully the nudge to complete your own annual life review. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Do you take time each year to reassess your direction?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Excited about Google’s new map ads? You should be!
As an avid Google Maps user on both a personal and business level, I’ve often wished for a more interactive and all-inclusive experience. For instance, wouldn’t it be great to get suggestions for options like the closest coffee shop or lunch spot while I’m driving from Point A to Point B? Sure, I could pull over, open up Google and search for these things separately, but who wouldn’t welcome a truly responsive and local experience within Google Maps? click the link to read the rest of the story.
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U.S. Exposes Massive Chinese Spying Campaign
The threats we face have never been more severe and more pervasive and more potentially damaging to our national security, and no country poses a broader and more severe long-term threat to our nation’s economy and cyber infrastructure than China,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said at a news conference in Washington. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Are you concerned with nation state hacking of your business?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How To Make Next Year Your Best Year
Here are a few things I learned about improving your life:
First, set ONE goal for every area of your life. I divide my goals as follows: Learning (what skills do I want to improve?), Career (what do I want to achieve in career?), Money (how much do I want to save and earn?), Relationships (what type of person do I want to become?). Set a goal that’s ambitious enough but at the same time is also reachable within a year. Aim high. But don’t make it impossible for yourself. … click the link to read the rest of the story.
Are you ready for 2019?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Why cryptojacking will become an even larger problem in 2019
Cryptojacking attacks will continue to grow in 2019, topping the list of ESET’s annualCybersecurity Trends report, released on Tuesday. Cryptojacking is the practice of surreptitiously using the compute resources of target computers to mine for cryptocurrency, which is a computationally complex task. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Have you been threatened with a cryptojacking attack? What did you do?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
The One Habit That Will Guarantee a Radically Better 2019
Everyone has a number of goals, but it’s the commitment to a system, a course of action, that makes the difference.
A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of success regardless of the immediate outcome.
Guardian’s Oliver Burkman, explains, “Drawing one cartoon a day is a system; so is resolving to take some kind of exercise daily — rather than setting a goal, like being able to run a marathon in four hours.”
Systems allow us to take control of our lives. click the link to read the rest of the story.
What system will you create?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
The best last-minute tech gifts, gadgets for Christmas
Tech-savvy friends and family might appreciate a useful, fun, or relaxing gadget over Christmas. Check out some of our top picks. click the link to read the rest of the story.
What was your favorite gadget?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
2019 Cyber Security – What to expect next
During 2019 we expect to see an increase… If a sophisticated attack involves not one but five top-notch threats synergistically working together, the defense panorama could become very blurry. Security experts have a recipe for disaster. …
The purchase of cybersecurity has led to expanding attacks that will become more sophisticated in 2019 and beyond. We will continue to influence societal expectations on security, which will trickle down to companies through hundreds of thousands of vulnerable and easy targets for attackers to profit. Driven by many falling victim to feature misconceptions, more will become key targets. Cyber products that provide consolidated feature sets have a hard time understanding each customer’s specific pain points and the bad guys know this.
In 2019, even more high-profile breaches will push the security and privacy, finally. Security is argued about until we die. That’s a particularly terrifying threat. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Are you ready to face these threats?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
What Google’s CEO Couldn’t Explain to Congress
As the hearing got under way, Pichai struggled to make sense of the questions that lawmakers put to him. Even friendly Democratic queries asking him to explain how search-engine rankings worked were met with hesitation and stilted rhetoric. If a rep said a keyword he was prepared for, he gave a scripted response, even if it was only sort of responsive. … click the link to read the rest of the story.
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Cybersecurity Explained to your Grandparents
After blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, it’s time to become a cybersecurity expert. Cybersecurity is not an easy concept, but it can be understood as a peacekeeper against digital world’s growing threats. The startups in the Cyber@StationF program led by Thales help us get some answers to questions about this mysterious world that you didn’t even think of asking. click the link to read the rest of the story.
What technology have you needed help explaining?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
What’s really the fastest Windows 10 web browser today?
Every company is claiming their latest web browser is the fastest one yet. So, which one really is the fastest? I took them to the test bench — and here’s what I found. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Which browser do you use?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How My Email Account Got Hacked and the Steps I Took
Warning: this story gets very cringeworthy.
How did I find out? Well I got an email saying that some malicious software had been downloaded on my computer and had obtained some scandalous information about me. The email threatened to release the information they captured if I did not pay them with Bitcoin.
Apparently this is a fairly common email scam that goes around. … click the link to read the rest of the story.
Has your email been hacked? What did you do?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon
Going into the experiment, I realized that there was a good chance I’d come crawling back to some of the Big Five services when it was over. Yet as I discovered over the four weeks, switching to independent alternatives didn’t negatively affect most parts of my life, but it did take a little getting used to.
Before diving into the nitty gritty of what worked and what didn’t, however, let me explain the limits of the experiment. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Are you interested in unplugging from the “Big Five” monopolies?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
The Problem Is Not Your Website Or Your Product
A good business solves a problem.
Good business is solving a big problem or lots of small problems for entire strangers who you don’t know thus doing something valuable for the human race.
Solving only your problem will make you poor. click the link to read the rest of the story.
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The People Who Pay For Your Free Apps
We’ve all started taking this free software for granted. Hell, I’ve watched people get indignant that an app maker would even dare ask a user to pay money. After all, all the other apps are free.
Except that they’re not. The programmers who made that software need to eat. Presumably, they eat, which means someone’s paying them. If it’s not you, then who?
If you aren’t paying to use the software you use, that means someone else is paying for you. click the link to read the rest of the story.
How much do you think the average app earns from your using it? Would you rather pay?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
How to Tell If A Website Is Dangerous
These days it can be very difficult to tell if a site is trustworthy or not. Many nefarious sites are being designed to look respectable. Thus you should always make sure that a site is not dangerous by using multiple approaches. This is especially important to consider before providing a site with sensitive information such as credit card numbers, banking information, your email address, etc…
In general you may want to be wary of a site if it asks you for unnecessary personal information, a credit card number, or a bank number when it’s not necessary. click the link to read the rest of the story.
What do you look for before responding to these alerts?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Digital Transformation: What Not To Do
What’s standing in the way to digital transformation? The Insight survey identified the top five barriers to achieving success. They are legacy IT infrastructure (64%), data security (60%), technology silos (59%), budget (54%), and competing priorities (53%).
These identified obstacles may help some organizations create a better roadmap to success by helping them to anticipate the problems they may encounter along the way. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Have you started a digital transformation of your business? Lessons Learned?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Cryptocurrency 101 – What it is and why you need to know more
Let’s start with a quick history lesson about bitcoin. Bitcoin was officially unveiled to the public in a white paper published October 31st, 2008. The white paper is actually extremely readable, very short (just 8 pages), and incredibly elegantly written. If you want to understand why bitcoin is so compelling straight from the horse’s mouth, you must read this paper. It will explain everything better than I or anyone else likely ever could.
I won’t delve too much into the technical details of how bitcoin works (which are better elucidated in the white paper), but will instead focus on a broader exploration of its history and implications. click the link to read the rest of the story.
Have you purchased cryptocurrency? Anything we should know?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
What happens when private firms have cyberweapons as powerful as those owned by governments? click the link to read the rest of the story.
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Think You Have Cybersecurity Taken Care Of? Think Again
If you learned that homes with your same model of alarm system were being broken into 32 percent more often this year than last, you might no longer think your system is secure enough. Yet many companies assume their IT infrastructure is still secure, despite the fact that cyberattacks jumped 32 percent between the first quarters of 2017 and 2018… click the link to read the rest of the story.
When was last time your operation was breached? Did you even know about it?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!
Got ransomware? These tools may help
There may be a way to get those files back without paying a ransom. But first a couple of basic questions… click the link to read the rest of the story.
Have you been hit with ransomware? How did you recover?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!