Cybersecurity Explained to your Grandparents

After blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, it’s time to become a cybersecurity expert. Cybersecurity is not an easy concept, but it can be understood as a peacekeeper against digital world’s growing threats. The startups in the Cyber@StationF program led by Thales help us get some answers to questions about this mysterious world that you didn’t even think of asking.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How My Email Account Got Hacked and the Steps I Took

Warning: this story gets very cringeworthy.

How did I find out? Well I got an email saying that some malicious software had been downloaded on my computer and had obtained some scandalous information about me. The email threatened to release the information they captured if I did not pay them with Bitcoin.

Apparently this is a fairly common email scam that goes around. …  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Has your email been hacked? What did you do?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Got ransomware? These tools may help

There may be a way to get those files back without paying a ransom. But first a couple of basic questions… click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you been hit with ransomware?  How did you recover?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!


First, it’s happened to all of us (and we’re here to help).

Second, it is impossible to understand all the contextual and environmental factors that led to the customer disengaging. It is easy for founders to believe they are the singular point of failure (which is exacerbated by processing the event of loss by themselves in an echo-chamber). The reality is that this is often not the case.  And third, some customer relationships cannot be repaired. Be OK with this.

Here are the six battle-tested steps I shared with the founder whose business had been impacted. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Could any of these suggestions have helped you recover a former customer?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You

The iPhone could be an incredible tool, but most people use their phone as a life-shortening distraction device.
However, if you take the time to follow the steps in this article you will be more productive, more focused, and — I’m not joking at all — live longer. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Shop Online Like a Security Pro

So here’s a quick refresher course on how to make it through the next few weeks without getting snookered online.

Adopting a shopping strategy of simply buying from the online merchant with the lowest advertised prices can be a bit like playing Russian Roulette with your wallet, for the simple reason that there are tons of completely fake e-commerce sites out there looking to separate the unwary from their credit card details.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Pitch a Product in Front of 7,000 People

Imagine the eyes of 7,000 people on you as four celebrity judges prepare their toughest questions to challenge your vision for the future of your company.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you ever had the opportunity to speak to a crowd of 7,000?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Don’t Let Big Tech Get Rich Off Your Info

More of your data is available for the taking than you might imagine. Here’s a primer on the best products for securing your digital privacy and tips for taking back control of your info. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The 10 Best Note Taking Apps in 2018

Note taking apps can store your notes in the cloud and sync them across multiple devices. As long as you have the internet, you have your notes. Second, note taking apps have search functionality. In a matter of seconds, you can find whatever notes you need, even if they are years old. Third, the best note taking apps let you snap pictures and save them as notes, upload files, record audio, and clip pages from the web. I’ve never seen a paper notebook that lets you dictate notes using your voice, either. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you use one of these apps?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Ultimate guide to finding and killing spyware and stalkerware on your smartphone

This guide will run through what spyware is, what the warning signs of infection are, and how to remove such pestilence from your mobile devices. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Complete Guide to Avoiding (and Removing) Windows Crapware

In simple terms, crapware is software you don’t want, but—for one reason or another—gets installed on your system against your will. This can range from legitimate programs that come pre-installed (like Netflix or a trial of McAfee Antivirus) to browser toolbars, auto-starting apps, or something that changes your default search engine. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you removed crapware off of your computer?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

A quick introduction to web security

There are many reasons to learn about web security:

  • You’re a concerned user that is worried about your personal data being leaked
  • You are a concerned web developer that wants to make their web app secure
  • You are a web developer going through an interview process

and so on.

The purpose of this post is to explain common web security acronyms in a way that is easy to understand but still accurate. click the link to read the rest of the story.

How many layers of security do you have on your website?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How to create emotional experiences into a product listing page

Brands have understood how storytelling is key to connect and build a relationship with their online customers. With an offer that doesn’t stop expanding, online products need to up their game and spark the consumer’ eye.

Online shops can now create the illusion of an actual narrative to fulfill their customers’ desires . The race for the most memorable catalogue experience has started. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How To Survive A Ransomware Attack — And Not Get Hit Again

Ransomware comes in two types. The first encrypts the files on a computer or network; the second locks a user’s screen. “Some ransomware will also act like a worm – as was the case with WannaCry – and once inside a network, will spread laterally to other machines without interaction by the attacker or the infected user,” says a NCSC spokesman. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Did you know that a new generation of antivirus programs also solve this problem?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

PC Maintenance is cheaper and safer. A few reasons why.

How much do you think it costs you, NOT to maintain your PC?

Now you can secure and maintain your computers and gain peace of mind for less. Learn More Here learn more here

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Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

The 2 main pillars of digital marketing are online marketing and offline marketing. That said, since I’ll talk about online marketing in a separate guide, I’ll only mention the different areas of online marketing here, for the sake of completeness.  

The 7 big categories of online marketing are:

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  2. Search engine marketing (SEM)
  3. Content marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  5. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  6. Affiliate marketing
  7. Email marketing

Unbounce created a great infographic that sums up all kinds of online marketing in one neat chart. click the link to read the rest of the story? Plus here is Neil’s Beginners Guide to Online Marketing.

Have you had success in digital marketing?
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Hire a Virtual Assistant and Start Delegating

When it comes down to it, you need to be sure that your assistant will save you more money than they’ll cost.  Start by tracking your time. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Tell People What You Do in 3 Easy Steps

In the film industry, that’s called a one-liner, and it’s a way to quickly, clearly explain the driving force behind the movie. If people can’t understand what it’s about, they won’t go see it.  Your business needs a one-liner, too. click the link to read the rest of the story.?

Tell us your “elevator pitch” in the comments below and include a link to your site!
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How to Clean Your Filthy, Disgusting Laptop

“I use exactly four things to keep my laptop clean: Rubbing alcohol, microfiber cloths, cotton swabs and canned air.” Ninety percent or higher isopropyl alcohol is ideal, since it won’t damage the internal components. And if you have some particularly tough grime or oil, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (or other melamine sponge) can also work wonders, though it should be a last resort since it’s abrasive.

NY click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Be Healthier, Happier and More Productive: It’s All in the Timing

First, our cognitive abilities don’t remain static over the course of a day. During the 16 or so hours we’re awake, they change—often in a regular, foreseeable manner. We are smarter, faster and more creative in some parts of the day than others.

Second, these daily fluctuations can be extreme. “The performance change between the daily high point and the daily low point can be equivalent to the effect on performance of drinking the legal limit of alcohol,” click the link to read the rest of the story.

Is there a time of the day that you are most productive?
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Your Wi-Fi Security Is Probably Weak. Here’s How to Fix That.

If your router is infected with malicious software, all your internet-connected devices become vulnerable, including your smartphone, computer, smart watch, television and Amazon Echo.

NY click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Build a Master Contact Database From Google Contacts, LinkedIn, Outlook, and More

How to

It takes a little grunt work at the beginning, but after the initial setup, you can automatically add new contacts to your list as they come. But first, let’s compile your existing contacts into one, centralized location. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Automate Your Inbox with these Tips, Tools, and Templates

We receive an average of 94 business emails every day and devote almost one-third of our time at work to email management. Bottom line: the benefits of email often come at the expense of productivity.

To reclaim your time, automate your inbox. Here are the tips, tools, and templates… Click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you tried integration tools like Zapier, before?

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