New Servers are Found and Under Attack – in under a minute

New report demonstrates how quickly hackers see and begin attacks — and the dangers of default login credentials.

It only takes a few seconds for cyber criminals try to hack into newly connected cloud devices and servers!

ZDnet reported that

Researchers at security company Sophos set up honeypots in ten of the most popular AWS data centre locations around the world …  and connected them to the internet with common configuration errors, such as using default credentials or insecure passwords).

It took just 52 seconds for hackers to begin attacking the first server and 20 minutes to start on the California server.

The servers were all on Amazon Web Services.

This is a clear demonstration that no-one is able to fly under the radar whilst online. The attackers are using scripts not to focus on any one individual, but to probe the entire internet address space to look for the low-hanging fruit,” said Boddy.

This scripted approach of attempting to login to your online device means that these attackers can attempt to login to a huge number of online devices in no time at all,” he added.

This illustrates why businesses must have security in place prior to it being given internet access, as well as why your business needs as many layers of security as possible.


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